“There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead, but lets be absolutely clear. I am determined to price carbon”. Julia Gillard


April 26, 2013 by kate ahearne

I love a good conspiracy theory – I especially love to laugh at them.

One of my very closest relations has tried many a time to convince me about the Aliens at Roswell.  And we have a friend who has a dossier, several inches thick, which proves beyond a doubt that no planes ever flew into the Twin Towers.  And then there’s the Grassy Knoll.  I don’t disbelieve any of these good people, but I don’t believe them, either.

From http://www.ascensionearth2012.org/2013/01/roswell-interview-with-alien-survivor.html

But there is a certain power in numbers, as this recent poll by Public Policy Polling in the US suggests with gob-smacking results like these:

–          37% of voters believe global warming is a hoax, 51% do not. Republicans say global warming is a hoax by a 58-25 margin, Democrats disagree 11-77, and Independents are more split at  41-51. 61% of Romney voters believe global warming is a hoax

–          6% of voters believe Osama bin Laden is still alive

–          21% of voters say a UFO crashed in Roswell, NM in 1947 and the US government covered it up. More Romney voters (27%) than Obama voters (16%) believe in a UFO coverup

–          28% of voters believe secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government, or New World Order.  A plurality of Romney voters (38%) believe in the New World Order compared to 35% who don’t. (My bold)

And did you know that 4% of Americans believe that ‘lizard people‘ control our societies by gaining political power, or that ‘13% of voters think Barack Obama is the anti-Christ, including 22% of Romney voters’?

Well today, thanks to Truth Seeker and his piece, ‘T Abbott and the truth about lies!‘, I stumbled on my own little conspiracy. (Well, my own little conspiracy theory, anyway) Truth Seeker points to the fact that whenever members of the Opposition refer to Gillard’s famous statement before the last election about a carbon tax, they only quote half of the sentence:

“There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead,” conveniently leaving out the part after the comma, where she goes on to say “but lets be absolutely clear. I am determined to price carbon”.’

Not only the Opposition, either, but just about all of the mainstream media.  I realized that we needed Julia Gillard’s full quote for our Quotes Page, so I set about tracking it down.  That wasn’t difficult in itself, because many commentators, like Truth Seeker, had transcribed the PM’s actual words.  But I needed to provide a link to the original interview, and when I tried to find it, I struck a problem.

  • First I googled ‘There will be no carbon tax’.

Google offered me two other alternatives –

  1. There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead
  2. Julia Gillard There will be no carbon tax.

I tried them all.  Of the 10 entries on the first Google page, no less than 6 were YouTube videos, all doctored.  So here’s the power of numbers again.  I went to the first listing and found that Ms Gillard had been chopped off before she had quite finished uttering the word. ‘lead’.  The first comment, however, pointed out that the remark had been butchered and gave the full quote – but the damage had been done.  This post attracted 143 comments.

The second video on the list was more sophisticated, repeating the first half of the quote like a mantra and featuring lots of pics of Ms Gillard looking silly.  The first comment, while utilizing the full quote for its own repugnant purpose, was repulsive and unrepeatable.  And so on.  I went to the second Google page, then the third  …  I did not find the original video.

  • Next I googled,  ‘There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead, but let’s be absolutely clear.  I am determined to price carbon.’  – with very similar results, Some very creative efforts with the videos, but the original still missing.
  • Then I tried, ‘There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead full quote.
  • Then I tried anything else I could think of.  Still, the original video eluded me.
  • I did find other stuff, though. and it became clear that Ms Gillard had made other, similar statements before the 2010 election.  The quote that has been so frequently abused seemed to have been made during an interview on Channel 10 on 16 August, 2010.  So I googled again with ‘Channel 10 August 16’.  Nothing.  Then I tried election eve, August 19.  Nothing.
  • In desperation I asked Truth Seeker and our readers if anyone could help me to find the video.  Nothing again.  Here’s Truth Seeker’s reply:’Kate, I have looked everywhere and cannot find it, it seems that the original has been completely removed from the universe.    :shock:     but the quote that I gave is accurate.  I’m sure that someone will find a copy for you.’
  • I did find this video, though, which is from Channel 10, and the PM is wearing the same outfit she’s wearing in the doctored videos and standing against the same background.  Transcript:There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead.  What we will do is we will tackle the challenge of climate change.  We’ve invested record amounts in solar and renewable energies.  Now I want to build the transmission lines that will bring that clean, green energy into the national electricity grid.  I also want to make sure  we have no more dirty coal-fired  power stations.  I want to make sure we’re driving greener cars and working from greener buildings.  I will be delivering those things, and leading our national debate to reach a consensus  about putting a cap on carbon pollution.

So, has this video been cut?  Or was the original quote from somewhere else?

‘JULIA Gillard says she is prepared to legislate a carbon price in the next term.

It will be part of a bold series of reforms that include school funding, education and health.

In an election-eve interview with The Australian, the Prime Minister revealed she would view victory tomorrow as a mandate for a carbon price, provided the community was ready for this step.

“I don’t rule out the possibility of legislating a Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, a market-based mechanism,” she said of the next parliament. “I rule out a carbon tax.”

This is the strongest message Ms Gillard has sent about action on carbon pricing.’  (My bold)

So here are some of the questions that have occurred to me while following this hopeless quest for the original Channel 10 video.

  1. Why does that video seem to have disappeared?  Or are two interviews being conflated?
  2. Does anyone still have a copy of the interview in which Ms Gillard said, ‘There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead, but let’s be absolutely clear.  I am determined to price carbon’?  If so, could we see it?
  3. Did Channel 10 ‘disappear’ that video?
  4. What’s the difference between a carbon tax and a carbon price?
  5. Do we now have a carbon tax or a carbon price?  Or a levy?
  6. Why has The Australian changed its tune from the perfectly reasonable piece of August 19, 2010 to the current strident untruths, half-truths and spin?
  7. How is Tony Abbott getting away with this?
  8. Is it just that the media is on his side – with 70% of print media in Murdoch’s hands, and Fairfax controlling most of the rest with their biggest share-holder, Gina Rinehart breathing down their necks, and a noted right-wing Howard-appointee heading up the ABC?
  9. Why is Ms Gillard and the Labor Party letting them get away with it?  Why doesn’t she speak out?
  10. And here’s the spooky bit – What if she is speaking out and just not being reported?  Or, more likely, only selectively reported?
  11. So is it all about the ‘lizard people’, the aliens, or a bunch of influential people trying to put in place a New World Order?  Or am I just imagining things?  Mmm.
  12. Does any of it matter so long as we get to reduce our carbon output and it doesn’t cost ordinary people too much, if anything at all?

So what about the power of numbers in this case? Loads of people believe that Julia Gillard said, ‘There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead, but let’s be absolutely clear. I am determined to price carbon.’  Some of these believers made a record of her actual words, and did their best to alert the public to what she had actually said, while others expunged the bit they didn’t like.  The expungers seem to outnumber the rest, and seem to have done a better job of convincing the public, because heaps of people believe that Julia Gillard lied about a tax on carbon. (Please forgive approximations, like ‘loads’ and ‘some’ and ‘heaps’ – conspiracy theory is is not an exact science.)

Here’s the piece by Truth Seeker that got me going on my wild goose chase.  Reposted by kind permission of Truth Seeker (With apologies for the mess my translation has made of Truthie’s layout)

T Abbott and the truth about lies!

Posted on 23/04/2013 by

T Abbott and the truth about lies!


Sophie Mirabella, who just can’t find her moral compas

I don’t know about you, but I find myself getting very frustrated when I hear one of the LNP “Honourable Members”, like that paragon of virtue  Sophie Mirabella (   :lol:    sarcasm alert   :lol:     ) stating on QandA that Julia Gillard lied about the Carbon Tax, while the lone ALP representative sits mute, and lets her get away with lying like the proverbial “pig in shit” (which, on reflection, is probably a fair and apt description of her).

And speaking of a pig in shit, Alan Jones is renowned for stating opinion as fact, he also makes up “facts” to suit his own spurious arguments on the economy, the environment and pretty much everything else that he feels he should he should be able to exert some influence over.

The sociopaths sociopath.

The sociopaths sociopath.

So when Alan Jones labeled Julia Gillard  ”Juliar”, the question should have been asked,  ’who is the real liar’? The man (and I use the term very loosely) has shown himself to be a bile and hate filled liar of monumental proportions, who’s sociopathic tendencies are legendary.

So when he calls our PM a liar, this smacks of a classic case of right wing projection. Now there are a number of examples of the alleged “Carbon Tax” lie, but the first one that I heard was prior to the 2010 election, and has been the one most played and referred to.

Unfortunately like Jones, Mirabella, Abbott and in fact the entire LNP, only quote the first half of PMJG’s statement “There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead,” conveniently leaving out the part after the comma, where she goes on to say “but lets be absolutely clear. I am determined to price carbon”.

 As previously stated, there have been a number of statements by PMJG quoted, but they all seem to leave out the last half of the quote, which all finish with the affirmation that she is determined to put a price on carbon.

Which is exactly what she did.

And even leaving aside the fact that when she made the statement, there was no way that she could know that after the election she would have to negotiate with the independents to form government, so the truth is that she didn’t lie.

Talk about a wingnut   :lol:

Talk about a wingnut :lol:

Now, it would be very easy to doctor a video to show Abbott stating  “If you want to put a price on carbon, why not do it with a simple tax?”, which is an exact quote taken a tad out of context and ignoring what he said before and after, and exactly what the right wing liars and nut jobs have done with the so called “Carbon Tax” lie.

The truth is that the biggest liars, WRT the Carbon Tax are the LNP and their complicit MSM.

Now the LNP have got form on the board in regards to broken promises, misleading statements and downright lies, with  ”Honest” John Howard making an art-form out of lying, and as he is Abbotts mentor we should expect no less from Abbott himself.

There are way too many Abbott lies and misrepresentations to go into here, but if you are interested, there are a plethora of articles covering them, like the one by Miglo on CW , listing some of the more recent ones, and a new one by David Donovan on IA about the latest  Abbott dishonesty about his staffers drunken outburst, threatening to “Slit the throat” of funding for an indigenous education foundation.

I am focusing on the carbon Tax lie, because it’s the most often repeated “LIE” spoken and foisted upon the Australian public by the LNP and the MSM, and the “LIE” is  NOT “There will be no carbon tax under a government that I lead” , but rather that Julia Gillard lied! So, what is a lie?

A standard definition is:

To lie is to, intentionally deliver a false statement to another person which the speaking person knows is not the whole truth.

Now IMHO, that definition should be accompanied by a rogues gallery of photos of the worst offenders;

English: Tony Abbott in 2010.Tony Abbott. Liar extraordinaire. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Joe Hockey at the official opening of...Joe Hockey. Economic buffoon and liar.  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Julie Bishop at a Liberal function in...Julie Bishop. Professional liar. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: en:Christopher Pyne Taken with my own...Chrissy Pyne. Whinging, lying mincing poodle. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Alan Jones, lying scum

Alan Jones, lying scum

Rupert Murdoch 2011 ShankboneRupert Murdoch. LNP and MSM owner and BOSS LIAR. (Photo credit: david_shankbone)

Andrew Bolt, .Ginas liar.

Andrew Bolt, .Ginas liar.

66 thoughts on ““There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead, but lets be absolutely clear. I am determined to price carbon”. Julia Gillard

  1. Truth Seeker says:

    Kate, another good read and great set of questions 😀 well done. 😎

    Cheers 😀 😎

    • kate ahearne says:

      Thanks Truthie. You’re very kind. And thanks for your permission to re-post your ‘T Abbott and the truth about lies’ post. I’m sorry about the layout – I think it’s happened because I’ve taken your work from a one-column theme to this site which has a two-column theme.

      Anyway, thanks again. Greatly appreciated.

      • Truth Seeker says:

        Kate 😀

        Cheers 😀

      • kate ahearne says:

        Love your faces, Truthie.

      • Shane hurford says:

        I believe the quote you are looking for was on channel 7 , not 10. It was the same morning as the channel 10 interview which is why she is wearing the same outfit and same backdrop, she was doing the ’rounds’ of the bteakfast tv on that day.
        I can recall koshie butting in to clarify ‘so you’re ruling out a carbon tax?’ and the Gillard makes the quote.
        Channel 7, i believe, put a copywrite claim into youtube and had all evidence magically removed.

      • kate ahearne says:

        Thanks a million for this, Shane. Your info makes perfect sense. Mystery solved. Great stuff.

    • William Mitchell says:

      ‘There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead, but let’s be absolutely clear. I am determined to price carbon.’

      this quote does not exist as she did not say this.
      she said:
      ‘there will be no carbon tax under a government I lead; what we ill do is tackle the challenge of climate change”

  2. sulphurcrested says:

    Nice work, Kate and Truthseeker.

    The mysterious disappearance of the youtube videos and other references to the PM’s full statement on pricing carbon shows what we already know; the liars know they are lying and will go to extraordinary lengths to keep their lies afloat and gull the public in their agenda to seize power.
    As far as a conspiracy in this area goes, it has gone well beyond the “theory” stage.
    I’m watching for all the lies and obfuscations to start to unravel, which hopefully when it does will be spectacular.

    Good point about what is the PM/government saying that we never hear about because of the MSM agenda.

    • kate ahearne says:

      Thanks Sulphurcrested.

      And thanks for all your help behind the scenes about how we might be able to improve the site. I haven’t been able to do anything today – my daughter’s over from WA and we’re just eating a lot and talking a lot, too. Back to the salt mines tomorrow. I’ll have one more try at changing the header myself, but after that I’ll have to throw myself on the mercy of the forum.

      By the way, I just had a look at our stats for today, and we have just equaled our biggest day since the new site opened for business 15 days ago. That first big article attracted a lot of attention, then we sort of slumped. So today will be our biggest day ever by quite a margin by bedtime. It must be Truthie’s doing – I’ve dragged his readers kicking and screaming to the FMA site, and they’ve done us proud. Ta, Truthie.

      • Truth Seeker says:

        Kate, thanks for sharing the credit, but I think you can certainly claim the lions share. 😀

        I am really happy that you’ve had your best day for hits, 😎 these milestones are what spur us on to bigger and better things.

        Miglo told me a while ago that it’s not about the amount of comments, but about how many people view your site 😀

        But I must admit it’s good to get some feedback 😎

        Keep up the good work 😀

        Cheers 😀 😎

      • kate ahearne says:

        Thanks Truthie.

        I’ll try to absorb what you say, and give you a more sensible response tomorrow. We’re having a big couple of days on the home front.

        Meanwhile, don’t underestimate yourself – you know you dragged us over this line.

        Meanwhile, a monster has been created – and now we’ll have to scale Everest. But we’re intrepid. We can do it.

  3. John Salmond says:

    Am I missing something, or regardless of the “lost” end of the oft-quoted speech, the Australian’s headline and intro below (from their website) pretty well makes the same point and blows a big hole in the whole lies mantra; why don’t we see this referred to more often, or have I missed that, too?

    Julia Gillard’s carbon price promise
    by: Paul Kelly and Dennis Shanahan
    From: The Australian August 20, 2010

    JULIA Gillard says she is prepared to legislate a carbon price in the next term.

    • kate ahearne says:

      Hi John.

      ‘Am I missing something?’ pretty well sums it up. How are they getting away with this? Blowed if I know!

      So let’s start putting one foot after another, and let’s start asking questions like yours in effective ways.
      I think you might be pointing us to the same Australian piece that was quoted in my post. Let’s hope that our readers will go there and scratch their heads.

  4. dafid1 says:

    Have you phoned or written to Paul Bongiorno re the ‘missing/merged vid’ asking for details. He works at Channel 10, he is a their Senior Political Reporter, appears to be a logical move approaching him. He appears to be one of the few MSM journalists retaining a semblance of honesty and professionalism

    • kate ahearne says:

      No, Dafid, I haven’t done that.

      Thanks for the ‘heads-up’. I’ll follow through on your suggestion, and thank you for it. It’ll take me a couple of days, because I desperately need a day ‘off’ today, but I’ll attend to your suggestion tomorrow. I’ll let you know of any developments.

      Thanks again – this is just the kind of help we need.

  5. patriciawa says:

    Hi Kate! Amazing, isn;t it that the media and the LNP continue with the lie mantra even though the truth is there for all to see. It is still at http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/julia-gillards-carbon-price-promise/story-fn59niix-1225907522983.

    I used that link myself in more than one post in pomes, but specifically and fairly recently in my NOTES on a pome re Alan Jones’s dreadful remark about the PM’s father dying of shame. http://polliepomes.wordpress.com/2012/10/05/alan-jones-really-is-sorry-2/.

    Like you I had all sorts of trouble with doctored variations on what one would have imagined were reliable sources searching for the original taped interview itself which seems lost forever and I told myself were all about News Ltd and its sinister stranglehold on our media. Inn the end I found that written article reporting the interview at the time it was made which clearly said

    the Prime Minister revealed she would view victory tomorrow as a mandate for a carbon price, provided the community was ready for this step.

    “I don’t rule out the possibility of legislating a Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, a market-based mechanism,” she said of the next parliament. “I rule out a carbon tax.”

    This was in the the Australian under the byline of PAUL KELLY AND DENNIS SHANAHAN and it has stayed there to this day, unadulterated. It at least enabled me to put the question in my pome

    There are some things which are not clear.
    Was it his or Tony Abbott’s idea
    To cut that film so it implied
    Here was footage which showed she lied?

  6. Thanks Kate. great article. I have seen that (undoctored version) video and not that long ago. Hopefully someone will come forward with the link.

    • kate ahearne says:

      Hi Heather, Yes, that’s the maddening thing – I’ve got a feeling I’ve seen it myself. Meanwhile, I’ll take Dafid1’s advice, and contact Paul Bongiorno at Channel 10.

      Good to hear from you.

  7. Kate Faulkner says:

    Loving your work Kate. If you need help to maintain the techniques of your site find a bright young tech-head from Uni and bring them on as Work Experience or Intern. I can think of many of my daughter’s contemporaries who would love to be part of this and be able to put it on their c.v.

    • kate ahearne says:

      Hi Kate,

      It’s lovely to hear from you. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’d qualify for a work experience person because this is not a business. It’s a lovely thought, though. In any case, I’m learning something new every day, so I’m contenting myself with that, and lots of people have helped with particular issues. I’ve needed some time off in the last couple of days, but back in business tomorrow.

  8. cornlegend says:

    well, who’s been a busy little bugger !
    couple of great articles Kate.
    You have given those wings a flap, and are starting to soar.
    keep up the good work

    • kate ahearne says:

      You’re so kind, cornie. Actually, I haven’t done a tap since Monday. I found that I was chain-smoking, so I decided that I’d better have a hypnotherapy session. which I did at 10 am on Tuesday. AND HAVEN’T HAD A CIGARETTE SINCE. Unfortunately, NOR HAVE I DONE ANY WORK! Can’t think. Oh well, thanks anyway. I hope I’ll be able to achieve something or other tomorrow, if not, Friday.

  9. crashskeptic says:

    Kate Ahearne wrote:

    1.Why does that video seem to have disappeared? Or are two interviews being conflated?
    3.Did Channel 10 ‘disappear’ that video?

    Why didn’t you search Channel Ten’s Offical Youtube channel?

    The original, unedited version – all 3 minutes and 9 seconds of it – is still sitting there as it has been since August 16, 2010.

    Because most of it is boring, people don’t watch it much, preferring the 10-second “highlight”. But it’s always been there.

    (Ironically, you actually found a copy of it, but not the original.)

    2.Does anyone still have a copy of the interview in which Ms Gillard said, ‘There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead, but let’s be absolutely clear. I am determined to price carbon’? If so, could we see it?

    Kate, it doesn’t exist…

    The quote you are searcing for is a fabrication.

    Although your belief in this story may have been genuine, the truth is it was concocted by some Gillard supporters who were so desperate, they decided to abandon integrity, and embrace dishonesty and disinformation.

    And sadly, the ironically-named “Truth Seeker” appears to be an individual like this. I base that claim on the fact that he has had the original version shown to him several times. Each time, he just ignores it and changes the subject.

    So he is playing dumb when he told you he can’t find the original.

    If you want a recent example, read “An Abbott in the Lodge – NEVER from theAIMN.com”.

    Note the original video is posted in comments on April 9th, and Truth Seeker responds a mere three comments later on April 11th but just plays dumb and ignores it. (And that exact same process he has repeated multiple times there.)

    A “Truth seeker”, he is not.

    Now you have titled your blog “Fair Media Alliance”. It’s up to you to live up to that name.

    • kate ahearne says:

      Dear Crash,

      I’ve just found and approved your comment, and it’s now way past my bedtime, so I hope you won’t mind if I don’t reply to you in full until I get through my chores tomorrow, which is going to be a big day around here. So, towards evening, I reckon.

    • kate ahearne says:

      OK Crash. I’m open to conspiracy theories – in ways I scoffed at, as a younger person. I did click on your ‘Abbot in the Lodge’ thing. without conviction.

      Can we do any better than this?

  10. Crash Skeptic says:

    Excuse me? You asked for the original video – I provided it.

    What conspiracy do you refer to?

    • kate ahearne says:

      Well, Crash, I have two difficulties. First, the quote I referred to in this article certainly exists – too many people have used it for anyone to sensibly deny it.

      Secondly, Julia Gillard stated repeatedly before the last election that she would put a price on carbon. You can follow that up easily enough. So something strange is going on, not just as far as this issue is concerned, but far more broadly. We have a hostile press – you don’t need to be a genius to have noticed that.

      Anyway, if you had actually read my article, you would have noticed that, yes, I did find this particular video.

  11. Crash Skeptic says:

    Where to begin…

    Kate Ahearne wrote:

    Anyway, if you had actually read my article, you would have noticed that, yes, I did find this particular video.

    Sort of. What you actually found was a copy – youtube.com/watch?v
    =-EyW7oFk6n8 (on Lookfor WholeStory‘s channel) – and then asked if the video was “cut”.

    I provided you with the original – youtube.com/watch?v=n-HP00lxC30&feature=player_embedded (hosted on Channel Ten’s offical Youtube channel) which I thought would suffice that the video was not cut.

    You suggest I did not ‘actually read your article’ – well, I would politely suggest you did not actually read my comment because I specifically referred to this:

    “(Ironically, you actually found a copy of it, but not the original.)”

    But anyway, this is digressing, so back to the main point…

    Kate Ahearne wrote:

    Secondly, Julia Gillard stated repeatedly before the last election that she would put a price on carbon. You can follow that up easily enough.

    Sorry, but this is false.

    Gillard actually promised a “Citizen’s Assembly”. But she broke this (second) promise too, and junked it after the election.

    She also promised to “build consensus”, but then introduced it straightaway with no mandate. So she broke this (third) promise too.

    Here’s a few links to jog your memory:

    And Gillard also promised not that anything she introduced would not take effect on until after the 2013 election. And she broke this (FOURTH!) promise too.


    So amusingly, she ended up breaking multiple promises, even though the public focuses on the high-profile “No Carbon Tax” soundbite one.

    I think the Australian people are well within their rights to regard her as untrustworthy.

    Kate Ahearne wrote:

    Well, Crash, I have two difficulties. First, the quote I referred to in this article certainly exists – too many people have used it for anyone to sensibly deny it.

    So something strange is going on, not just as far as this issue is concerned, but far more broadly. We have a hostile press – you don’t need to be a genius to have noticed that.

    ALP supporters quoting ALP supporters quoting ALP supporters quoting ALP supporters does not amount to anything, Kate. There is a difference between a primary source and a secondary source.

    After all, you used it, Kate – it’s the title of the blog article! – but you did not verify it first. What makes you think any of the others verified it either?

    My personal view is that people probably originally wrote articles referencing both the “No Carbon Tax” quote from the Channel Ten interview, with quotes taken from The Australian article I mentioned above.

    Then others have read these, gotten confused, and thought all the quotes came from the Channel Ten interview.

    And then the rumour-mill transforms it into “Julia Gillard Never Promised No Carbon Tax. It’s a Murdoch plot!” and voila! A fake quote is getting passed around.

    Now let’s cut to the chase. You made a pretty strong claim:

    I stumbled on my own little conspiracy. (Well, my own little conspiracy theory, anyway) Truth Seeker points to the fact that whenever members of the Opposition refer to Gillard’s famous statement before the last election about a carbon tax, they only quote half of the sentence:
    “There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead,” conveniently leaving out the part after the comma, where she goes on to say “but lets be absolutely clear. I am determined to price carbon”.

    But you have now seen the original video, and can compare it to the hundreds of shortened “soundbite” versions available on the internet. It is clearly the same video. Thus, your claims above are clearly incorrect.

    • kate ahearne says:

      My dear Crash,

      You’ve put so much effort into this! And yet, I still don’t understand what you’re worried about. Did you follow the click to The Australian?

      And why are we splitting these hairs? Are you a climate change denyer? Do you really want to see this ancient planet fucked? By us?

      What’s your point?

      Anyway, I’d love to see you put all that effort somewhere that it might make a difference. And I do mean ‘a difference’ – Are you part of the problem? Are you with us or agin us?

    • Keith says:

      But of course John Howard saying there would be no GST never ever and then Australia getting a GST is ok by crash, even those it put prices up for them as well?

  12. Crash Skeptic says:

    My dear Kate,

    What patronising, evasive, content-free rot.

    And you over-estimate the “so much effort” – as I mentioned, I’ve had this debate before, so all the info was at-hand. It was a 3-minute cut-and-paste job.

    But look, here’s some bullet points to make it really simple for you:
    1. Julia Gillard promised “No Carbon Tax”. She broke her promise.
    2. She promised a citizen’s Assembly. She broke her promise.
    3. She promised to “build consensus” before introducing any climate-legislation. She broke her promise.
    4. She promised that no such legislation would take effect before the 2013 election. She broke her promise.
    5. The Australian people are aware that she is untrustworthy, and judged her accordingly.
    6. They have not been “tricked” by Rupert Murdoch or anyone else.
    7. Their opinions are based on factual observations of Gillard’s actual behaviour.
    8. In order to cover-up Gillard’s untrustworthiness, many Left-wingers (like Truth Seeker) have bizarrely decided to tell more lies to cover it up. (Talk about a “double or nothing” approach!) And examples include spreading false quotes such as the one this article is about.

    And yet, I still don’t understand what you’re worried about.

    Well, Gillard is about to be demolished at the next election, so yes, perhaps there is nothing to worry about.

    Did you follow the click to The Australian?

    Of course. Did you?

    And why are we splitting these hairs?
    What’s your point?

    My point is that you have, deliberately or accidentally, spread falsehoods.

    And pointing out blatant dishonesty is not “splitting hairs”.

    We live in a time when would-be censors want to restrict the media and are using lies to pursue their agenda. Preventing that should be the goal of anyone who values Free Speech.

    Are you with us or agin us?

    Of course, I’m against you. I’m against all those who spread falsehoods.

    Even with the evidence right in front of you, you seem unwilling to explicitly acknowledge that your claims were wrong.

    • kate ahearne says:

      Well, Crash, you’ve had a good go. But unfortunately, we have a rule on this site about being subjected to Murdoch-style propaganda and Murdoch-style methodology, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself ‘moderated’ out next time.

      • Truth Seeker says:

        Kate, crash and burn sceptic ran the same line with my post, but the link he gave is to a later interview which is evident when you listen to the first question about it “STILL” being a problem.

        Crash and burn sceptic is a troll who frequents AIMN and regurgitates the same old rubbish time and again.

        I ran his first comment, told him he was wrong and then told him not to reply because to paraphrase “He’s full of it”, and I’ve seen enough of his incessant ramblings, and engaged him often enough to know that it’s a complete waste of time.

        He obviously took my advice about not replying and came here instead 🙄 Sorry about that 😦

        He is as big a liar as the rest of the LNP and their supporters.

        Cheers 😀

    • Keith says:

      If Crash Skeptic is against those who spread falsehoods, why aren’t they against John Howard never ever GST lies or MSM lies like News Ltd?

      Because they are a Liberal Member and MSM is where they get their false information from like the claims “Well, Gillard is about to be demolished at the next election”

    • Keith says:

      Those who wants Freedom of Speech like The USA, are those mostly likely to destroy it like Andrew Bolt, Alan Jones etc

  13. cornlegend says:

    Well CRASH, you, just like the others who try to continue this lie, have done it again.
    The youtube interview was with PAUL BONGIORNO.
    This is the one that has “gone missing”
    Conspiracy theory ?
    As a skeptic, you may be able to track it down
    “the truth is out there “

  14. Truth Seeker says:

    BTW, well done for letting him know that you would not allow any more of his crap, you did it much more politely than I did 😀

    Cheers 😀

    • kate ahearne says:

      Good for you, Truthie.
      Yes, I saw how you handled him, and I couldn’t agree more. I’ve taken the attitude that we will not condone any ‘unfair’ use of media on this site – it would be ridiculous to do so. But at the same time, I needed to be sure that he’d had a ‘fair go’.

      • Truth Seeker says:

        Kate, you did well 😀 I only stopped him after the first comment because, as I said, I have seen him in action for months and was well and truly aware of his methods of trolling.

        There aren’t too many of his type, but he is one of the worst, along with Toms of Melbourne and a couple that frequent CW.

        I and others have challenged them to start their own blogs, but they won’t, cos they know they’d get very few, if any, readers so they’d rather come and disrupt sites like ours. 😯

        cheers 😀

      • kate ahearne says:

        Thanks, Truthie. Actually, I got the impression that he might have some kind of MH issue, which was another reason to give him a little bit of space. Anyway, he’s gone off to try his line elsewhere, I guess.

  15. I remember her words too Kate. She used the ‘determined’ word. I wondered about the disappearance of the video.

    I am also left wondering why Mr Abbott’s appearance in court today has been totally ignored by MSM… Did he front up? Did he send a formidable legal team instead? Who knows? (sound of crickets….) Conspiracy indeed!

  16. Shane hurford says:

    I believe the quote you are looking for was on channel 7 , not 10. It was the same morning as the channel 10 interview which is why she is wearing the same outfit and same backdrop, she was doing the ’rounds’ of the bteakfast tv on that day.
    I can recall koshie butting in to clarify ‘so you’re ruling out a carbon tax?’ and the Gillard makes the quote.
    Channel 7, i believe, put a copywrite claim into youtube and had all evidence magically removed.

  17. Brian T says:

    There was also a Website from an environmental or climate change action group setting out all the quotes by Opposition MP’s past and present about an ETS or CPRS before the Abbott ascension to rule over the Liberals.

    For the life of me, there are very few quotes pre 2009 about a price on carbon.

    The first-mentioned site has disappeared!

    • kate ahearne says:

      Thanks for this, Brian. Abbott’s campaign against the PM re the carbon tax has been dishonest and hugely successful. And the tax is actually working, with an estimated 7% drop in carbon emissions since the tax came in.

  18. Mick Verco says:

    The original quote comes from the channel 7 interview on Sunrise, NOT the channel ten interview. The quote was in response to constant badgering from Kochie. Julia Gillard appeared on other morning television shows on other channels on the same day.

    • kate ahearne says:

      Thank you Mick. This is a hugely important point, and I don’t know myself how it might be followed up, but I’m thinking that Independent Australia might be best placed for an investigation like this. So I’m making a note to contact David Donovan. You’re solidifying something that others have said. So let’s see if we can find that missing interview – perhaps someone copied it before it was taken down?

    • kate ahearne says:

      Thanks, Mick. Yes, someone has alerted us to this. If only someone who is reading this had copied it from YiuTube before it was taken down!

  19. […] If you haven’t seen the article that we published here at Fair Media Alliance about the hunt for this video, click here. […]

  20. William Mitchell says:

    found it straight away

    • kate ahearne says:

      Hi William,

      Yes, we all found this one straight away. The short story is that this interview was given to Channel 10 on the same morning that the missing interview was given to Channel 7. It’s the Channel 7 interview that has the missing quote, and which was taken down from YouTube when Channel 7 complained about copyright issues – which meant that Julia Gillard could be accused, with impunity, of lying. But before the Channel 7 interview was taken down, quite a lot of people had already quoted it.

  21. fred smith says:

    While I’m not very conversant with the machinations of the ‘high end’ media and its nexus with government, it appears to me that following the turning of the UK worm, resulting in the prosecution of News Limited management and staff, the king of News Ltd, has focussed all of his senescent energies on the politics of OZ. Would it be an unrealistic expectation to advocate the turning of the Oz worm – perhaps in the form of a class action – to permanently nail this blight on humanity – essentially have him locked up and the keys thrown away?

  22. Ol' China says:

    I used to watch a bit of the channel 7 morning show, thought Kochie had a bit of integity.

    I actually thought he leaned to the left a little too.

    I recall seeing the interview and specifically that the bit that is quoted constantly being followed up by the now missing part about being determined to price carbon.

    Have read the arguments on so many forums and the quote from the believers is exactly the same.

    It says to me more about how ignorant the electorate are than anything else.

  23. johnward154 says:

    Reblogged this on My Blog and commented:
    The proposition that a “Mandate” abolishes opposition is the very definition of totalitarianism.
    We now see the drift to fascism sneaking up on us recently in our ‘on water policy’.
    The Military Law has a charge of “Disobeying a lawful command”.
    It is sobering to see how easily the Navy has obeyed unlawful commands from the Executive Government of the day.
    The Navy turned that boat about to run out of fuel and drift for three days. Three men drowned crossing a river on Indonesian island. It could have been, that the out of fuel “Life Boat” drifted out into the Vast Indian Ocean and we found Desiccated bodies months later. Where would our honour be then? Where is it now?
    So easily we drift away from the sovereignty of the people to see the military breaking the international law of the sea, to obey the Executive power over the Parliament (the Senate, the House of Representatives and the Queen), thereby breaching the separation of powers.
    The High Court should order the navy to not exceed its duty to defend Australia and instead to refuse to obey commands that are clearly unlawful. If that Boat went down the crew
    would be held responsible for what amounts to a crime in International Law of the Sea…….
    Our Navy shames itself and us.

  24. Alison t says:

    Has anyone found the channel 7 footage with Kochie?

  25. Judo Chop says:

    This is what Prime Minister Julia Gillard said during her interview on Channel Ten News at 5 on 16 August 2010:

    Julia Gillard: “There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead. What we will do is we will tackle the challenge of climate change. We’ve invested record amounts in solar and renewable technologies. Now I want to build the transmission lines that will bring that clean, green energy into the national electricity grid. I also want to make sure we have no more dirty coal-fired power stations. I want to make sure we’re driving greener cars and working from greener buildings. I will be delivering those things, and leading our national debate to reach a consensus about putting a cap on carbon pollution.”

    Where was that national debate and consensus she promised?
    She lied. Pure and simple. Despite all the spin doctors in the world, the quote above was the digging of her parliamentary grave.

  26. Hi Kate,

    Interesting read – I did a fair amount of ‘digging’ of primary sources on the subject since the end of 2012 but only recently became aware of your article.

    Please find a *collection* of various interviews (including links to the actual primary sources) Gillard did on this subject during ’10 election campaign…:

    Julia Gillard ( https://sites.google.com/site/carbontaxmyths/julia-gillard )

    The wiki I created, specifically on this subject, also includes other related material including a simple Explainer on various terms involved (ETS vs Carbon Tax vs DA)…:

    ‘Carbon Tax’ Myths ( https://sites.google.com/site/carbontaxmyths/carbon-tax-myths )

    Hope this helps.


  27. kate ahearne says:

    Thanks Delphi. As you will have noticed, the website has been idle for the last few months but I’m hoping to get cracking again soon, and I’ll be very glad to follow up on info like yours. I’ll have a look at your links over the weekend and then get back to you.

  28. musteryou says:

    Reblogged this on Nietzsche's hairs and commented:
    Malicious editing

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