Petition: Murdoch, Fairfax, ABC, SBS and all other Australian media outlets.


June 23, 2013 by kate ahearne

Dear readers.

Yesterday’s editorial in The Age asking Julia Gillard to step down has outraged many people.

Here is a draft of a petition to be addressed to Rupert Murdoch, his executives and journalists, Fairfax and their journalists, the ABC, SBS and all other media outlets.
I hope to be able to get this up on tonight, so please make any comments and suggestions today. They will be gratefully received.

By the way, The Age has since come out trying to justify yesterday’s editorial.

Apparently there has been plenty of outrage. So here’s a bit more.

You can see the original editorial here:
And the later ‘justification’ here:

Alan Stokes tries to explain the ‘lashing’ The Age has received for it’s editorial by first blaming the ignorance of their readers: ‘One possible explanation for the backlash against The Age is that readers do not easily see a difference between news – objective reporting of events – and opinion writing – personal views of columnists – and the editorials – also known as leader columns – in newspapers.’

Then he goes on to say: ‘The second reason for the backlash is that maybe the timing is right. One week to go in Parliament and the frustration with Labor is palpable.’

Eh? If you can make any sense of that, could you let me know? Is he blaming the Labor Party for frustrating their supporters, who are now,’ inappropriately’ taking out their frustration on The Age?

Then he goes on to what he seems to think is ‘the clincher’:

And the third one is the biggie.

In fighting to save her leadership, Gillard has divided people across the political spectrum, on gender terms and on class terms. She’s making desperate moves to install policies like the 457 visa crackdown and workplace entry rights that reek of union influence.

As the election looms, her most strident supporters see the end but are backed into a corner and are lashing out

It’s sad that Australian politics has come to this.’
Yes, Alan, it’s very sad that you and so many others like you have come to this. And ‘backed into a corner’? ‘Lashing out’? Like some wounded beast? Not me. And this is not the way to win friends and influence people, Alan. (In case you thought insulting your readers might somehow, magically bring them around to your way of thinking. – Commonsense 101.)

Anyway, here’s the draft for

The editorial published in The Age on Saturday, June 22 calling on Prime Minister Julia Gillard to step down, has spurred many of us to express our anger and dismay at the way the mainstream media are manipulating the public.

Like many other Australian voters, we believe that we’re living in the most desperate times that we, as a nation have ever faced. Nothing less than our precious democracy is at stake.

So far, we haven’t taken to the streets, but we will if necessary. Many Australian voters have found it difficult to believe what’s been happening to us, and to our Prime Minister.

We find it difficult to accept that a former Australian billionaire who owns so much of our media, and Newspoll, of course, might be lying to us, manipulating us, and using us to further his own interests.

We are no longer prepared to accept the blatant bias of the mainstream media. We are not prepared to accept television and radio interviewers refusing to allow both the government and the opposition to spell out their policies.

We have had enough of the colossal cheek of interviewers preventing Labor spokespeople to talk about anything other than the leadership, as happened on the 7.30 Report last week, and then being told, as we were in The Age editorial: ‘The Age’s overriding concern is that under Ms Gillard’s leadership, the Labor Party’s message about its future policies and vision for Australia is not getting through to the electorate. Our fear is that if there is no change in Labor leadership before the September 14 election, voters will be denied a proper contest of ideas and policies – and that would be a travesty for the democratic process.’

The travesty rests squarely and heavily on your shoulders – it is of your own creation. How dare you treat the Prime Minister in this way, and then try to blame her for your own behavior?

Why is the message not getting through the media to the voters? Why are you refusing to allow it? Why are you creating doubts about the Labor leadership? Why are you not asking the opposition the tough questions? Who are these unnamed sources? Where are these leaked internal polls?

We could mention uncountable other examples of behavior from the mainstream media that we are no longer prepared to tolerate.

So, we, ordinary Australians, request that the management of Fairfax, the Murdoch press, SBS, the ABC and all other media outlets insist that their journalists commence demonstrating the professional qualities required to truthfully inform the people of Australia of issues impacting on everyday Australians.

In particular, we insist that

• The media discontinue its creation of news as opposed to reporting of news.
• The media immediately commence reporting on the policies (or lack thereof) of the Government and the Opposition to allow Australians to have an informed vote.
• You get your hands off our democracy. No more interference in the democratic process.
• You cease and desist from allowing the Prime Minister to be demeaned and trivialized in the media.

68 thoughts on “Petition: Murdoch, Fairfax, ABC, SBS and all other Australian media outlets.

  1. Well done Kate. That about says it all. Even Mike Carlton, of Fairfax, has fallen into the cesspit of the manufactured fallacy that the ALP &, in particular, our PM, Julia Gillard, have poor communication skills. What rot!!!!

    Last night for example, on 7’s Sydney TV news a mention was made of the opening of the important Avenue of Honour memorial for those diggers who died in Afghanistan, held yesterday at Lake Tinaroo at Yungaburra on the Atherton Tablelands. Not much was said about the memorial & the PM was mentioned as having attended. She was briefly shown but the emphasis was on Tony Abbott whom they showed assisting in unveiling the memorial plaque plus part of his speech. Nothing of the PM’s speech at all. Disgraceful & they could not have been more blatant if they tried. Then they had the gall to use this solemn event to segue straight to the despicable leadership garbage. It was a dreadful display of TV journalism at its very worst & Mike Carlton tweeted that commercial TV tended to be straight with their news Crap!!!

    I tweeted 7NewsSydney about this but was ignored, naturally, as is their norm. The MSM is so arrogant that they have fallen for their own propaganda & believe it is they who are the holders of the keys to the Lodge to be given to whomever THEY decide. They have blindly chosen Abbott who has been allowed to be as equally arrogant. The media consider him to be one of them due to his brief stint as a journo plus he massages them. Even those who work for non-New Ltd outlets have allowed Murdoch to manipulate them into tossing their balanced examination & inquiring skills out the window. .

    • kate ahearne says:

      Thanks, Joy, and particular thanks for alerting us to that ‘news’ broadcast.

      I thought we might have more clout if we just mentioned one or two particular instances, and that’s why I haven’t gone on and on about all these other examples. But I will bang on about it again and again here on FMA. So thanks again for letting us know.

  2. rosellajam says:

    This is wonderful Kate, thank you for you hard work.

    I expect News Ltd media outlets to be biased knowing Murdoch and his agenda. But this vehement and nasty attack on the Prime Minister, on any grounds, seems to have infected all others, even the ABC. I have noticed too that the pundits and commentators have become increasingly arrogant and disrespectful of public opinion. The idea that only the Press Gallery can understand the ‘context’ and the ‘narrative’ of political debate today seems to be the underlying principle of most mainstream reporting.
    The media (and, for that matter, politicians) should be reminded in the strongest possible terms that Australia is still a democracy and that the people are not merely poll results.

    • kate ahearne says:

      You’re right, Rosella, and you’ve put it well. Please forgive my delay in approving your comment – I seem to have missed it.

      I like ‘in the strongest possible terms’ – don’t be surprised if I pinch that!

  3. Yes, Kate. That’s all good. I will sign and pass on to others.

  4. Mike Ballard says:

    Passing it on…..Cheers!

  5. cornlegend says:


    A good article on the Age rubbish,

    It is time for Andrew Holden to stand aside as editor-in-chief of the Age, so that fact-based, information-driven democratic debate can flourish once again. Mr Holden should do so in the interests of The Age, in the interests of Victoria and, most importantly, in the interests of democracy. The public’s overriding concern is that, under Mr Holden’s editorship, The Age’s coverage of politics and news in Australia has become trivialised and sensational. Our fear is that if there is no change in The Age editorship soon, readers will be denied a proper source of news and information – and that would be a travesty for the democratic process.

  6. Truth Seeker says:

    Kate, once it’s up and running, please put a link on my site, and I will not only sign it, but also promote it on the next few threads as well. 😀

    We can’t let them get away with destroying our democracy. 😀

    Cheers 😀

  7. […] blogger, Kate Ahearn (@KateAhearne) has responded by setting up a petition designed to go to all Australian news media […]

    • kate ahearne says:

      Thanks Barry. Much appreciated. If you don’t mind, I’ll let you know when the petition is ready to be signed. There’s still quite a bit of background stuff to do – turning out to be bigger than Ben Hur.

  8. kexkez says:

    very keen to sign this when it is up and running.

  9. Thanks Kate for verbalising what I have been feeling since reading that, now, infamous AGE “editorial”…Where do I sign the petition?

    • kate ahearne says:

      Thanks, Silvana. I’m not quite sure what to tell people about the easiest way to access the petition yet. But I’ll publish a post as soon as it’s up so that people can go to, sign and share.

  10. Anne says:

    Thanks for this initiative. Can I also endorse Joy’s comment re the ABC TV news last night, which was broadcast in Tasmania in similar fashion. I also thought the irony was breathtaking, yet clearly the blatant evidence of ABC journalistic incompetence was completely lost on the reporter, the presenter,and presumably their editors.

  11. Great job. I’ll sign it. Thank you.

  12. Lindy says:

    This is great Kate, I would sign and share this.

  13. […] Petition: Murdoch, Fairfax, ABC, SBS and all other Australian media outlets.. […]

  14. Zelda Cawthorne says:

    I trained as a news reporter with the ABC when it was still a class act and have been a journalist for decades – 26 years in Southeast Asia; the rest in Melbourne – and your petition expresses everything I feel and know to be true. Thank you, Kate. I support this wholeheartedly.

  15. BadAbit says:

    I will sign and share any petition that brings the msm to account for the disgraceful they have set about to destabilise this govt.

  16. Dagney Taggart says:

    Kate, I think you should change the last dot point to include “, and all politicians,” after “the Prime Minister”. the media should not be in the business of demeaning and trivializing politicians – they manage that well enough themselves.

  17. Anne C. Tan says:

    Thanks Kate…an excellent piece. Delighted to sign and pass it on. Your words express just what I’m feeling!

  18. I would like to see the sentence ‘cease and desist from allowing the Prime Minister to be demeaned and trivialized in the media’ to ‘refrain from allowing the Prime Minister, any other person or group of people from being demeaned and trivialized in the media.’

  19. Russell Mills says:

    At last! Someone is talking sense and getting the media to be accountable! Kate you are just a gem. I’m so tired of the media NOT taking any notice of real events to report (like China introduces a pilot carbon trading scheme and NOT ONE media outlet thinks to challenge Mr Abbott with that fact and his stance) and as you say, manufacture “news” to satisfy who knows what end. There is NO challenging and thoughtful reporting of political issues, merely lazy hacks who simply regurgitate the latest trivial comment by an inane backbencher or two.

  20. Fed up says:

    I do believe the PM is beginning to get her voice heard over the noise. There is no way they can milk the leadership crap for much longer. Some are a;ready moving from divided party, to a revenge campaign by Rudd.

    Before the end of the month, we will see Gonski in a stronger position. The first week of July, I believe is reserved for the refugee matters.

    We know fro pm watching QT, the PM has well and truly got the measure of Abbott when it comes to debating. She can hold her own on all topics.

    From then on, the PM can focus her whole being on the up coming election.

    The PM has well thought out policies, to take to the electorate.

    We can also hope, that the falling dollar, will lead to better economic news before the election.

    I suspect, the PM will manage to put all the bad news, behind her. I am sure, those handful of discontents, led by Rudd wild be shut up or isolated, where they can do little harm.

    I believe many in the media are going to haver to eat much of their own shit, and get on with the job, they are paid to do.

    I say this, because the media in desperation has over reached in the last month. Badly over reached, Would not have mattered if the PM fell. The PM is still standing tall, gaining respect for her guts.

    Rudd lost respect, when he ignored the call to launch a challenge last month. This week will finish him off, whatever he does. If he does not challenge, or if he does and fails.

    • kate ahearne says:

      Hi Fed Up. Let’s hope you’re right, and the tide is beginning to turn. You’re certainly right about the media ‘over-reaching’. There’s an air of desperation about it all.

  21. Renee Davis says:

    Thanks Anne. I’m in.

  22. Jenny Geelen says:

    Where do I sign? Thanks Kate. What a bit of brilliance to do a petition against the public media wolves. I am fed up with how they are trying to manipulate us.

    • kate ahearne says:

      Hi Jenny, I’ll make a short post when the petition is underway, and then we all need to sign and send it on to our personal networks. Some time tomorrow.

      Big day today, so I might stop fussing now and sleep for awhile. Keep you posted.

  23. Dragonwyst says:

    Good work. The rot set in at a new level with Gina buying those shares….

  24. Dasha says:

    But half of Labor caucus also want her go. Because these MPs will lose their seats under her.

    • kate ahearne says:

      Actually, Dasha, we don’t know how many of the caucus want Julia to go, but I certainly know one thing – if that were to happen, a lot of people, including me, won’t be voting for them!

  25. Bridget says:

    Well done, Kate. Consider this signed and passed on as soon as it’s ready! Team Democracy and Team Julia all the way!!! :grins:

  26. Dasha, who told you that? The MSM? Proof please.

    Kate, great ideal. I’m in. Perhaps there are some more disgruntled journos who would like to lend their cred to helping us spread the word as well.

  27. sandra mihopoulos says:

    Thanks Kate.

  28. Don says:

    I also watched Ch.7 news and couldn’t believe their blatant crap. Thinking Aussies must be pissed off by now, after all it’s only been going on for 3 years.
    Kate, your like a breathe of fresh air, where do I sign?

    • kate ahearne says:

      Hey, Don. Thanks for encouragement. Have a look here at the end of the day (Monday), and I’ll have a short post letting people know how to sign and how to network with their social media groups.

  29. Jannine Jones says:

    Where is the petition ??
    …I am desperate to sign, but I can’t find it !!!!

  30. Peter Kaye says:

    With Tony Abbot looming large as the “future of ABC and SBS”..It also appears that many of their reporters/ journos have actually capitulated, with a view to their own “job security”.eg Mark Latham being given free reign on Q and A..and indulging Barnaby Joyce delivering his carefully rehearsed ad libs.. I suspect a few bigger players though..Goldman Sachs have already identified Australia as “The next soft Money Target”..Would they rather be dealing with Doug Cameron or Barnaby Joyce?

  31. Annie says:

    A newsreader today…. talked of the PM celebrating 3 years… then losing her popularity because of “her constant lies”… Really, what can’t news readers read news these days, without adding their personal opinion?

  32. Jason T says:

    I like the general thrust of the draft, but I won’t be signing anything that says “Like many other Australian voters, we believe that we’re living in the most desperate times that we, as a nation have ever faced. Nothing less than our precious democracy is at stake.” That’s hyperbole and supposition. I believe if you leave it in you’ll turn off potential signatories.

    • kate ahearne says:

      Hi Jason. Never mind. If you don’t believe that our democracy is under threat, of course you shouldn’t sign. Perhaps there’s something else you could do to express your concern about the behavior of the media, if indeed you are concerned.

  33. Fed up says:

    “Like many other Australian voters, we believe that we’re living in the most desperate times that we, as a nation have ever faced. Nothing less than our precious democracy is at stake”

    We need to say, that we are living in one of the best countries the western world, that has an economy second to none.

    We cannot afford to put our economy at risk,

    We need the investments in infrastructural and human resources, to be leaders in trhe Asian century

    Yes, we live in a unstable world, and cannot afford to take risks, with one that is only interested in demolition, and taking us back to the past.

  34. […] Petition: Murdoch, Fairfax, ABC, SBS and all other Australian media outlets. ( […]

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