Questions for Abbott, Gillard, etc.


Questions for Tony Abbott

  • Is it true that you have a weekly meeting at News Limited headquarters? If not, how often do you meet with Rupert Murdoch or News Limited people?  When did you last have a meeting with Rupert or someone in his employ?
  • If you get to be PM, how often will you consult with Cardinal Pell?  On which issues? (Inspired by Susan)
  • Do you promise not to appoint Mr Howard GG if you win the election in September? (From Susan)
  • Mr Abbott, why did you lie to the Australian Electoral Commission, in regards to their letter requesting the names of the donors to your “Australian’s for honest politics” slush fund, by falsely claiming that you had received advice from a lawyer prior to seeking donors, when in fact you acknowledged later, in an interview with Margo Kingston, that you didn’t seek legal advice until after you received the letter from the AEC?  (From Truth Seeker)
  • Do you really believe that our pollution of the planet could not possibly be having anything to do with climate change? Do you really believe that we can keep on trashing our planet without any repercussions?  Do you really believe that climate change is happening without any input from us? Do you really believe that all that poisonous trash is having no effect on our planet, and that the climate change we are now experiencing, is due to something else? Or do you believe that we are not experiencing climate change at all?
  • Why do you seem to have stopped hounding the Prime Minister about her connection with the AWU slush fund?  Is it because you could find no evidence of any wrong-doing on the PM’s part?  If that’s the case, why don’t you apologise?
  • April 5, 2013.  In response to Mr Shorten’s announcement today about the Government’s plan to tax sperannuation earnings in excess of $100,000 p.a., you said, ‘ … and it shows that this is a government which is prepared to tax the people to fund its own spending.’ Are you saying that a government led by you would not ‘tax the people to fund its own spending?’
  • Why would you govern just for the top 10%?  (From cornlegend)
  • With regard to the defamation case being brought by Barbara Ramjan against Michael Kroger and The Australian: if the Supreme Court of NSW finds that you did, in fact, punch the wall on either side of Ms Ramjan’s head when Ms Ramjan defeated you in a ballot for the Presidency of Sydney Uni’s SRC in 1977, will you apologise to Ms Ramjan?  And do you promise to resign from any office you might hold in the Parliament at that time? (Inspired by cornlegend)
  • If Mr Kroger or The Australian elect to settle the Ramjan defamation matter out of court, do you promise to resign whatever office you may hold in the Parliament at that time?  (Inspired by cornlegend)
  • When will you grow a spine, and appear on 7.30 Report, Lateline, Q & A, where real people will ask you real questions?  As opposed to the famous dodge you performed on Twitter, when the most pertinent questions you were asked were not answered?
    Tony, you can run, but you cannot hide forever!  (From cornlegend)
  • And the nastiest serious question of all?  Emma Alberici – @TonyAbbottMHR #asktony When will you accept our invitation to do an interview on #lateline?’ ‘(Thanks to Jeremy Sear – from his article, Pure Poison on Crikey. Wonderful stuff.)
  • With reference to Rupert Murdoch’s address to the Institute of Public Affairs dinner in Melbourne, April 4, 2013 – What do you suppose Mr Murdoch meant when he said, ‘And, here is something else we are not hearing about: we must argue the morality of free markets and the immorality of markets that are not free.’? Do you think Jesus would use or understand the word, ‘morality‘ as Mr Murdoch uses it and understands it? (Inspired by Tinfoilhatter)
  • Would you agree with Rupert Murdoch that freedom of speech as it applies to the media is synonymous with freedom to lie, misinform, twist information, report partial truths, use headlines and photos to manipulate the public, fail to report news which does not ‘suit’?  Etcetera? (Inspired by Tinfoilhatter)
  • With reference to this remark you made on the 7.30 Report: ‘I know politicians are gonna be judged on everything they say, but sometimes, in the heat of discussion, you go a little bit further than you would if it was an absolutely calm, considered, prepared, scripted remark, which is one of the reasons why the statements that need to be taken absolutely as gospel truth is those carefully prepared scripted remarks.’  Would you say this applied equally to you and to Julia Gillard? Would you say that Julia Gillard, and others, should be cut the same kind of slack you quite clearly express that you expect for yourself? The 7.30 Report, ABC, 17 May, 2010. (Thanks cornlegend)
  • ‘Is it really Liberal policy to give away $47 billion a year in superannuation  tax breaks, of which just 23 per cent goes to the 60 per cent of Australians in  the bottom and middle, while 26 per cent goes to the richest 5 per cent?’  Question posed by Tim Colebatch, Brisbane Times April 6, 2013


Questions for Julia Gillard

  • Mr Abbott claims that the government has broken two earlier promises on superannuation – never to tax payments of those over 60 and undertaking to lift the concessionary contributions cap to $50,000.  Is this true? (From a Max Blenkin piece in The Brisbane Times, April 6, 2013)

Questions for Rupert Murdoch

49 thoughts on “Questions for Abbott, Gillard, etc.

  1. Tinfoilhatter says:

    Thanks. Loved the link and background. There is mounting evidence of LNP and media collusion in trashing our minority government and in the coordinated personal attacks on Prime Minister Gillard.

    • kate ahearne says:

      Lovely to be talking to you, Tinfoilhatter.

      Yes, the ‘Questions for Tony Abbott Page’ has been a recurring idea over the last week – fueled by a couple of our commentators, I think, although so much has been happening, that I’m not sure where I first noticed the suggestion of Tony’s weekly meetings and the idea of a ‘questions for Tony list’. We’ll get to be way more efficient than this, of course, but I’m just doing what I can for now. There’ll be a new post tomorrow – I was hoping to post before bedtime tonight, but I haven’t been feeling too flash today – just a cold, though, and tomorrow is looking like a nice, relaxed sort of day on the home front, so more to follow. I’ll be very interested to see what you think about the issues the new post will raise. Hey, and so nice of you to have noticed that I now know how to do link-within-text!

      Thanks for everything,


      Your support is life-blood to this enterprise.


  2. Truth Seeker says:

    Kate, hope you’re feeling better, 😦

    One of the questions I’d like Abbott to answer is “when are you going to come clean about the “Australians for honest politics” slush fund and why you lied to the AEC?”

    😳 that’s two questions 😀 or at least two questions in one.

    There’s plenty more to come 😀

    Cheers 😀

    • kate ahearne says:

      Hey, Truth Seeker! You’re so kind. Welcome back, and it’s so reassuring to have the likes of you and tinfoilhatter responding so promptly – and always with reassurances and indications of where next to go.

      No, I’m not feeling too wonderful, but I will feel wonderful again – just a cold. If it keeps on like this, I’ll have to resort to disgusting concoctions with lemon juice, honey, garlic and ginger – I’m a great one for dishing it out, but not much of a one for gulping it down myself. I think they call it ‘walking the walk’.

      As for your Tony Questions suggestion, yes, of course! Does AEC refer to the Australian Electoral Comission? You obviously know a thing or two about Tony and the slush fund, so could we have a couple of bits more of information? Then we could frame a question or questions and stick it up on the Tony Page. I’m starting to think that there might be some journalists out there who really do want to ask these sorts of questions – a mass email to particular journalists might be indicated in our tealeaves.

      As for ‘plenty more to come’, bring it on.


      Also, I love your grins – I think I might be secretly in love with the dude who seems to be wearing sunnies – I’d have to see him naked first, of course. Perhaps he has a squint – hence the sunnies.

      • Truth Seeker says:

        Kate, I am currently writing a new post that will touch on Abbott’s slush fund, an have also mentioned it in previous posts, but it’s Margo Kingston who is the expert, and has recently re-launched her book “Still not happy John”.
        Here is a link to an IA article, if you are interested and up to it, it’s an interesting read.

        The little “cool” 😎 smiley is one of my favs, along with the shock 😯 one 😀

        I look forward to your next post 😎 😀 and hope you’re feeling better soon 😀

        Cheers 😀 😎

      • kate ahearne says:

        Yes, I followed your link, Truth Seeker.

        I’ve been out of the loop for a long time – years, so please be patient. I’m thinking that we need to apply to Margo Kingston in her retirement – and in her rebirth online. Her book, no matter how updated, can’t help us, except in a very limited way. Margo herself can, though. It’ll have to be tomorrow for me to follow the link, but our visitors might very well be tempted.

        Thanks again for everything, Turth Seeker,


  3. Truth Seeker says:

    Kate, here’s another link for articles by Margo Kingston that may be worth checking out too, on a site that she is involved with. 😀

    She would be a good one to get onboard if you can 😎

    Cheers 😀

    • kate ahearne says:

      Thanks, Truth Seeker. I followed your link and found some wonderful stuff. I’ve started a list of compatible sites and individuals with their URLs, and Australians for Honest Politics is on it. I’ll need to go back through all the comments we’ve had in a systematic way before I can put the list up on our site.

      I’m running behindhand – yesterday was a bit of a washout – I spent a lot of it in bed feeling sorry for myself, but doing much better this morning.


  4. Tinfoilhatter says:

    Hi Kate. Hope you are feeling better.

    Not sure if you are aware of ‘Google alerts’ – where you receive emails from Google regarding topics of interest. You will need to work out your search parameters ie : ‘constitution, Aboriginal, Tony Abbott, Australia’ or ‘economy, Swan, budget, Hockey’ – if these words appear together in an article, you will be sent a link. This is how I stumbled across Independent Australia. Your email might get a bit out of hand at first but it can save heaps of time when doing research. You can refine your searches as you go depending upon the volume of emails you receive and whether the words you search for appear together very often.


    • kate ahearne says:

      Yes, Tinfoilhatter – feeling quite humanoid this morning.

      The Google Alerts are great – I’ve been using them for quite a while, now, to keep abreast of some issues I’m interested in. But I’m glad you’ve mentioned them, because I really need to set up some new ones now, and because our visitors will be interested, too.


  5. Tinfoilhatter says:

    Hi Kate. Great link to add for anything IT – I got stuck there for ages………

    NBN discussion forum


    • kate ahearne says:

      Thanks Tinfoilhatter,

      I’ve just been there at your suggestion, and yep, I can see how you might’ve got stuck. Great stuff. Could you have a look at my entry on the Links Page and check that it’s OK? Just let me know if it’s not. The NBN is going to be a huge issue in the run-up to the election – it’s a huge issue anyway, for the healthy development of an effective independent press.


  6. cornlegend says:

    Mr. Abbott.
    Would you like to have the following issue come before the Courts, prior to an Election?
    When we vote we need to know the “Character” of the candidate.
    (A DEFAMATION case taken by a woman who accused Opposition Leader Tony Abbott of punching a wall will not be heard until February 2014 – five months after the federal election.
    The Supreme Court in Sydney today heard it was initially thought that the case taken by Barbara Ramjan against Liberal powerbroker Michael Kroger and The Australian newspaper could be heard in July this year.
    However, Justice Geoffrey Bellew was told the case is expected to take between 10 and 15 days, which he said would not fit into this year’s court schedule.
    “My unequivocal indication from the registrar was that for a matter of the suggested length of this particular matter, the first available date is February 3, 2014,” he said.
    Earlier this month, Justice William Nicholas ruled that 12 jurors should hear the case instead of the usual four because the case could “excite prejudice and antagonism”.

    • kate ahearne says:

      Yes, cornlegend. Let’s hope that there is nothing fishy about the delay in this defamation case. Anyway, let’s frame a question for the Tony Page – Perhaps something like, ‘Can you categorically deny that you punched the wall on either side of Ms Ramjan’s head when she defeated you in the ballot for President of the Sydney University Students’ Union in 1977?’ ‘If the court decides that you did, or if Mr Kroger and The Australian decide to settle out of court, will you promise unequivocally to resign from whatever position you may hold in the Parliament at that time?’


  7. Susan in Regional NSW says:

    Hello there Kate.
    I’d like to know how often Mr Abbott will meet with Cardinal Pell.

    How will it be possible for us to know when Mr Abbott is telling us the truth as he is prone to telling porkies, well actually plain old lies.

    Will he promise faithfully NOT to appoint Mr Howard as G-G?
    The thought of that mother figure of our nation dear Mrs Howard living back on the harbour at tax payers expense appalls me totally and I cannot imagine her ever making a trip to the western suburbs of any city let alone to the bush or outback. Unlike the Clintons we will not get two for the price of one there. It would be double the price as she stayed put and Mr Howard trundled around the countryside.


    • kate ahearne says:

      Hi Susan, thanks for that.

      Do you mean, how often will Mr Abbott need to confess those porkie pies?

      Actualloy, the most interesting thing about Cardinal Pell recently, apart from the fact that he didn’t get to be Pope, is the fact that Fairfax had to apologise to him a week ago for printing damaging untruths about him – the online Sydney Morning Herald, if I remember rightly. So, although the Cardinal and I have never seen eye to eye in the past, and probably never will again, we are no doubt in agreement that it is not OK for the media to tell denigrating lies about him. Whether or not the Cardinal and I agree that it is not OK for the media to tell lies about anyone or anything else, I couldn’t say.


  8. Tinfoilhatter says:

    Mr Abbott, is bearing false witness against the foundation teaching of your religion?

    Mr Abbott, can you please define ‘false witness’ and give an example, in your own words, or in your case in your own writing, without referring to Prime Minister Gillard or the circumstances surrounding the gaoling of Pauline Hanson?

    Are you aware that some within your party have been exposed by the federal court for bearing false witness?

  9. Tinfoilhatter says:

    Susan’s post about Cardinal Pell got me thinking about Mr Abbott’s deeper convictions.

    The answer to the first question posed to Mr Abbott would have to be ‘Yes’ – if he has read the book he proclaims to have faith in, and live his life by. Apart from being one of the main ‘Thou shalt not’s’, he should have had it burned into his brain during his time in the seminary.

    Again, the seminary should have taught him the definition of ‘false witness’. He has in the past, I believe, written and submitted a support letter for a person within the clergy accused of child molestation. If Mr Abbott actually had specific knowledge attesting to their depth of character and was prepared to put it in writing, he should be aware that his support needed to be flawless.

    Giving Mr Abbott the opportunity to use Prime Minister Gillard in an example of ‘false witness’, would just set off an avalanche of incoherent false witnessing, so best to veto that avenue. Just the mention of Pauline Hanson makes him nervous. More false witnessing going on there.

    And what is with the escape clause of ‘no specific knowledge’? I think that one, from memory, was coined by Hillary Clinton. Oh well, whatever works. Eh, Mr Abbott? Seems to be teetering on ‘false witness’ though.

    The LNP’s misrepresentation of the state of the nation and the economy could also be quite broadly classified as ‘false witness’. Day after punishing day.

    As to having false witnesses within the party, Mr Abbott openly supports Mr Brough as an LNP candidate while an adverse finding was made against Mr Brough and others within and connected to the federal and state LNP, in the Ashby vs Slipper case –

    Mr Murdoch, your lot are false witnesses too. See the Leveson Inquiry –…/0779.asp

    I wonder what ‘sin’ classification you would be under for hacking into the phone of a murdered child and deleting voice messages, giving false hope to her family? Was that coveting? Stealing? Dishonouring parents? Or does that type of behaviour come under ‘Hope, Reward and Opportunity’?

    Mr Abbott consorts with, encourages and is in turn encouraged by these people. Mr Abbott’s behaviour so far seems to reflect badly on the church. They should kick him out.

    • kate ahearne says:

      Wow, tinfoilhatter! Wouldn’t it be great if Tony Abbott actually saw your passionate comment?

      Sadly, though, we’re all capable of self-delusion if there’s something we want badly enough – he wouldn’t recognise himself as the person you describe. And as for Rupert!

      Still, there must be a question for the Tony Page in amongst what you’ve said. Let’s put our thinking hats on.

  10. cornlegend says:

    Question for Tony Abbott.
    Are you in Melbourne to get your orders ?

    Interested in morning tea with former PM John Howard, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, conservative shock jock Alan Jones and Oz columnist Janet Albrechtsen? Then you’re in luck! The IPA is holding a gala dinner in Melbourne tonight with Rupert Murdoch as keynote speaker, and the morning tea is up for auction.

  11. cornlegend says:

    Julia Gillard gave a powerful speech yesterday, to The Foreign Correspondents News Maker Lunch
    Its well worth a read.

    A powerful determined woman setting out the plans for the nation,.
    Meanwhile Tony Abbott avoids any Policy, and zips off to Melbourne to get his orders and future direction from the right wing loonies, with whom he associates

    A part of the PMs speech below.
    “We can only become a stronger nation, a nation of prosperity for all, if we correctly diagnose today’s challenges and enable our nation to seize tomorrow’s opportunities.
    This means we must document and explain our plans for the future at a level of detail and financial costing which honours the intelligence of the Australian voters.
    Bluff and bravado may have served our opponents well to date, but they are no answer now.
    No answer this close to an election.
    No answer now the carbon pricing fear campaign has been exposed as nonsense.
    No answer now my own side of politics has resolved its leadership debate.
    Now, the times demand better.
    The times require deeper thought about the nature of our economic growth today and our economic opportunity tomorrow.
    Our economic growth today is creating jobs.”

    Julia Gillard, a strong, powerful and fearless leader, determined to take our Nation forward.
    Tony Abbott, a dithering fool, with no answers, just stupid slogans.

    A question to Tony Abbott.
    Why would you govern only for the top 10%

    • kate ahearne says:

      Thanks for this, cornlegend, and for the links. Ms Gillard made herself pretty clear, didn’t she? Your question is now on the Tony Page.

      I’m desperately trying to catch up with chores on the home front today, as well as trawling back through the comments and my inbox to catch up on all the bits and pieces I need to attend to, so please forgive my slow responses. And please remind me if there’s something you can see that I haven’t attended to yet.

  12. cornlegend says:

    Tony Abbott,
    Did you get your orders from the IPA 70th birthday Party ?
    or from Rupert ?
    Or Gina ?
    or all of the above ?

    I always had a feeling that Rupert was delusional .Now, it’s not a feeling, it’s a fact.
    This evil little scumbag, who presided over the phone hacking of a dead teenager,
    warns us that not only need the press be accountable, but politicians also.
    Here , you can superimpose Labor for politicians.
    With his mate, Gina, and surrounded by his bunch of misfits, liars and generally despicable lot, including Abbott, Bolt, Jones , Kroger, Albrechtsen, and co.
    Rupert was holding court at the IPA 70th birthday.
    That’s the extreme right IPA, who seem to hold favour over at the ABC at the moment.
    {their “experts” pop up everywhere.”]
    Now,WHEN have the press of Australia EVER BEEN ACCOUNTABLE.
    Or any of the right of politics EVER held to account by his media.
    This senile old prick, with his subservient little bunch partied on
    This evil little bottom feeder who gave up his Australian citizenship, to become a Yank.
    Pity we couldn’t deport people of disrepute .
    And am I pissed because I didn’t win the door prize of morning tea with Alan Jones ?
    Did Abbott get instruction on Policy.?
    Did Abbott spend the night kissing arse ?
    Is this Australias version of the Bilderberg group.?
    you be the judge.
    Just a portion of Ruperts speech.
    If you have the stomach to read the lot, link below

    CLASS-WARFARE rhetoric poses a threat to Australia while free markets will lead to a better life for all Australian families, not just the rich, Rupert Murdoch has told a gathering of some of our most influential leaders.
    In a rallying call for advocates of free markets and liberal ideas and policies, the media magnate passionately backed the need to “argue the morality of free markets and the immorality of markets that are not free”.
    In a speech to an audience that included Australia’s richest person, Gina Rinehart, Tony Abbott and many prominent business figures and identities from the conservative side of politics, Mr Murdoch warned that just as the press must be accountable, so must politicians.

    • kate ahearne says:

      Well. cornlegend, you’ve left us gasping.

      There are three points you make that I’d like to follow up on. I’ll probably have to do this in a couple of ‘bites’, if you don’t mind – the dishes are unwashed, and Dr Blake will be on in 30 minutes – Gotta get our priorities, like our ducks, in a line.


      ‘This evil little scumbag, who presided over the phone hacking of a dead teenager,
      warns us that not only need the press be accountable, but politicians also.’

      Can you source this for us? I’ve been working like a navvy all day, but I haven’t got this bit from Rupert’s speech. (And I’m still 4 pages back in my Inbox, trying to tie up all the loose ends. You‘ll notice, if you look at Tony‘s Page, that some of the loose ends were of your very kind making.) Was it from his speech last night? Help!

      • cornlegend says:

        Mr Murdoch warned that just as the press must be accountable, so must politicians.

      • cornlegend says:

        warns us that not only need the press be accountable, but politicians also.’
        was a direct quote from the Australian.

        They have now edited it down to pay to view.

      • kate ahearne says:

        So, if we follow your easrlier link, will we still be able to get the speech? I’ll try it now before I go to bed.

        Speaking of which, if you’re going to be up for a while, would you mind keeping an eye on things till you go to bed? I’ll need to bow out in about an hour – 11 pm aedt – Melbourne time. Don’t worry if you can’t. You popped up in such a timely fashion last night, I hoped you wouldn’t mind if I suggested it.

        I’ll get back to you in the morning with a couple of other issues from your fabulous 7.15 pm outpouring.

        Meanwhile, and this is for all of us – if you’re wondering why we’ve heard no more from Iain, it’s because I’ve banned him until or unless he attends to the worries I outlined to him earlier today on our behalf. He has attempted 3 times since then to post a comment, but on none of those occasions did he show any sign of understanding what I had so plainly said to him. We made him welcome, and he abused our hospitality. If he is happy to play by the ‘no misinformation, no manipulation’ rule, he’ll be welcome to try (our patience) again. Otherwise, time and energy are of the essence, and as you and Tinfoilhatter and Truth Seeker and several others have been at pains to point out to me – he has a previous record.

        I do actually personally believe it would be really good for us, and for our enterprise, to have some people here from the other side of politics, but if they’re going to just peddle the Murdoch line using the Murdoch methods, they can’t expect us to welcome them. As I said to Iain – We will not be used. Diversity of opinion, yes. But we say ‘no’ to misinformation and manipulation, particularly of those among us who are, for whatever reason, most vulnerable.

  13. cornlegend says:

    link to the full rubbish speech by Murdoch
    six pages for the brave hearted

    • kate ahearne says:

      Just what the doctor ordered, cornlegend – My wish is your command?

      But seriously, we need specifics – sorry to keep banging on about it, but if we’re going to be fighting slippery eels, we need to sharpen our harpoons. Facts are our friends – vague assertions are limited in their usefulness to us. Let’s leave the vague assertions to those who are already getting away with them. Let’s hit them with our rapier facts. Please pardon the mixed metaphors. Anyway, thanks for the link – you’re a trump.

  14. cornlegend says:

    • by: Nick Leys
    • From: The Australian
    • April 05, 2013 12:00AM
    CLASS-WARFARE rhetoric poses a threat to Australia while free markets will lead to a better life for all Australian families, not just the rich, Rupert Murodch has told a gathering of some of our most influential leaders.
    In a rallying call for advocates of free markets and liberal ideas and policies, the media magnate passionately backed the need to “argue the morality of free markets and the immorality of markets that are not free”.
    In a speech to an audience that included Australia’s richest person, Gina Rinehart, Tony Abbott and many prominent business figures and identities from the conservative side of politics, Mr Murdoch warned that just as the press must be accountable, so must politicians.

    Kate, can’t get more specific than that

  15. cornlegend says:

    Rupert Murdoch slams attempts to curb the media

    “The press must be held accountable, but so must our politicians – grievances and grudges should not fuel a fundamental shift in our social balance.

  16. cornlegend says:

    nice clear links for you re Murdochs ““The press must be held accountable, but so must our politicians”

    • kate ahearne says:

      Yes, cornlegend, I’m most grateful for those nice clear links. They’re great for our readers, too – especially the way Peter has done it in his latest comment, with a ‘copy and paste’ of the juicy bit, plus a copy and paste of the link.

  17. Tinfoilhatter says:

    Mr Abbott, please explain in context, your understanding of the ‘immorality of markets that are not free’ as opposed to the ‘morality of free markets’, as spoken of by Rupert Murdoch at a function you attended for the IPA 70th anniversary.

    Mr Abbott, did you understand and support the comments Mr Murdoch made in his speech?

    Mr Abbott, in your opinion, what particular type of ‘immorality’ was being referred to by Mr Murdoch when he spoke about ‘markets that are not free’ ?

    Is this type of ‘immoral’ market operating at present?

    Are there any specific immorality codes in place for ‘markets that are not free’?

    If yes, who are the authors of these ‘immoral’ market codes? Can copies of these ‘immoral’ market codes be freely obtained?

    If no, do you believe that there should be moral codes or regulations put in place to protect people, assets and the environment at any cost? Would strengthening of moral codes and regulations help to support our collective futures to ensure sustainability for the population and the ecology, and protect us from ‘immoral markets which are not free’?

    Mr Abbott, would you agree that we cannot be left to the mercy of ‘immoral’ markets?

    On the other hand –

    Mr Abbott, did you understand and support the comments Mr Murdoch made in his speech?

    Mr Abbott, in your opinion, what particular type of ‘morality’ is being referred to by Mr Murdoch when he spoke about the ‘morality of free markets’?

    Is this type of ‘moral market’ operating at present?

    Are there any specific morality codes in place for ‘markets that are free’?

    If yes, who are the authors of these moral market codes? Can copies of these moral market codes be freely obtained?

    If no, should ‘moral markets that are free’ also be free to self regulate in order to profit from people, assets and the environment at any cost? Would weakening of moral codes and regulations help to support our collective futures to ensure sustainability for the population and the ecology, and protect us from the ‘morality of markets which are free’?

    Mr Abbott, would you agree that we cannot be left to the mercy of ‘moral’ markets?

    Mr Abbott, please clarify which market ‘morality’ model you support?

    Or is the definition of “the morality of free markets and the immorality of markets that are not free” so fluid and flexible that they can not be properly contextualised, communicated or adhered to?

    As a Rhodes scholar, you have a duty to clarify and explain this dog’s breakfast of a statement from Mr Murdoch to us all Mr Abbott, and also what it means for Australia as a nation.

    Circular questioning is the only way to pin down this slimy mob, imo

    • kate ahearne says:

      Well, tinfoilhatter, Mr Murdoch certainly got up your nose, didn’t he? Silly him.

      I’ve been struggling with the internet all day, so I’m even further behind than ever, so please pardon brief response. If you don’t mind, I’ll use your questions to frame just a couple for the Tony Page – Great stuff!

  18. Tinfoilhatter says:

    PS Kate – Might be a good idea to have a questions for the PM link too.

  19. cornlegend says:

    “Mates help each other; they do not tax each other.”

    — Tony Abbott February 23rd 2011Australian Parliament: Hansard

  20. cornlegend says:

    Probably good to go back in history a bit to see that Abbott never changes
    Jeremy Sear Crikey June 13 2012
    visit this link for a good read.

    “Yesterday afternoon Tony Abbott tried a bit of a stunt where he pretended to be available to answer meaningful questions if people sent them to him on Twitter with the #asktony hashtag.

    You can see why the concept appealed to Abbott – it would make him look like he was open to being challenged on his pronouncements, whilst letting him ignore questions he didn’t want to answer and in a forum where nobody could expect more than 140 characters anyway.

    Which is good, because Tony’s preferred response to any question is the asinine (and false) “axing the carbon tax will fix it!” And the twitter “interview” lets him just keep repeating it (regardless of the question) whilst ignoring follow-ups:”

    A really interesting article , well worth the read.

    Jeremys article finishes up with

    We’ll find out how Tony Abbott is going to magically cut taxes without raising others or slashing public services whilst still maintaining the ALP’s surplus after he becomes PM. It’s just rude to ask him before the election. Twitter might not realise that yet – but the journalists Tony is willing to speak with do.

    My Question to Tony Abbott is.
    When will you grow a spine, and appear on 7.30 Report, Lateline,Q &A.
    where real people will ask you real questions.
    Tony, you can run, but you cannot hide forever !

    • kate ahearne says:

      Thanks for this, cornlegend. I’ll put your question straight on the Tony Page. I’ll have to have a think about Tinfoilhatter’s fantastic effort inspired by Rupert – try to get it down to one or two if possible. She’s given me too many options!

    • Tinfoilhatter says:

      Hilarious cornlegend. Thanks for the link. Amazing how it was spun into ‘Poor Tony’. Got to laugh at the press and their abysmal efforts at slant-editing to form opinion.

      We can only hope there is a retiring and /or career re-evaluating journalist who might happily kamikaze straight into him (against orders) in the lead up to this election, by actually cornering him until he runs, cracks and/or explodes – it would be a career sacrifice for the greater good. Very free and moral, imo. I know I would if given the chance, and the sanitisation skills of the daily rags couldn’t clean up the mess I would try to leave behind in the aftermath.

      Let’s hope there is a reward out there for the journalist who takes the opportunity to get Mr Abbott’s true measure well enough for even the blind to see.

      • kate ahearne says:

        Hey, tinfoilhatter,

        Apparently Fairfax have just made another round of cuts at high levels – maybe one of the axed contingent is reading your plea right now, and hatching a dastardly plan of derring-do.

        Meanwhile, cornlegend’s question is now on the Tony Page, and we now have a brand new Quotable Quotes Page, again inspired by cornlegend.

        I haven’t got my head around the Murdoch questions yet, but will do.

  21. Dagney Taggart says:

    Hi Kate, I’ve only just stumbled across this site, so please excuse while I wander around. I must confess I am somewhat surprised that you have only one question for the Prime Minister. One. Am I to believe that nothing the current leader of the current government has done is worthy of questions? Offshore processing of asylum seekers? I seem to recall “another boat another policy failure” from the distant past.

    • kate ahearne says:

      Dagney. that one question for the PM that I have – what would that be? I don’t agree with everything the PM has done. She doesn’t need that. No other person on the face of the universe has ever had that for very good reasons. Not even you.

      If you’re here to make trouble, take your best shot and move on. So, no, you’re not ‘to believe’ any such thing.

      • Dagney Taggart says:

        Hi Kate. I’m not here to make trouble, or to troll (although the definition of troll today seems to be anyone that one disagrees with). I rarely read newspapers (because they do push political agendas), or watch the TV news (because it’s trite and full of fluff pieces). I tend to get most of my news from various websites – I believe I genuinely try to look at issues from both sides. So when I find a site like yours, I am keen (and happy) to find new facts on current issues. If I don’t agree with something written here, I’d like to be able to put my view forward.

        I don’t like fanatics or fundamentalists from either end of the spectrum – life is a compromise. If a site uses the term Fair Media, I wouldn’t think it unreasonable to see a balance in its articles – some pro Labor, some pro Liberal and so on.

        So, not trolling, learning. But sometimes it takes a while (old dog new tricks, or something)….



      • kate ahearne says:

        Hi Dagney. Please forgive me if I was impatient with you. I have a zero tolerance policy with people who come here to make trouble! Life’s too short. And you only have to look at the havoc that some insincere commentators wreak on other sites, to understand why, as moderator, I have taken this attitude.
        As to your remark about balance – our top priority and reason for existence, is to work towards honesty and accountability in the media. It is not our job to support any political party, as such. However, in the current climate we have an unprecedented situation. The media are backing the opposition and trashing the PM and the Labor-led government. The public is being lied to, misinformed and manipulated. This is what concerns us here at FMA. If the same thing was happening to the Opposition, we’d be protesting about that, but it isn’t. On the contrary.

    • cornlegend says:

      Dagney Taggart.
      I am a self declared old lefty.
      I would be quite pleased to hear your points of view.
      While we may not always agree, we all have our opinions.
      We all learn every day.
      You say you have stopped reading current Media.
      One of the reasons this petition is in place.
      We want the Media to REPORT the news, not be it

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